Monday, 16 February 2009

Car crash hand night

Yesterday and this morning there were just so many big hands
1010 v A10 he flops top two me the set,money all in
JJ v AA hit J on the end which makes up for the hand below
KK v AA if i would have bet the Q I reckon he would have folded.
Bulk standard AA v KK but i would like to know why the initial reraiser folded,poss QQ or AK
Yet again I get it in ahead v Short stack but he hits his lucky straight card which makes up for the 2 earlier suck outs by me as detailed below
He goes all in with 66 v my AKs I flop the flush against his trips and he doesn't hit his FH.
My AQ v his 77 sees me hitting a lucky straight.
KK V AKs i was far too passive and he hit his Ace on the end.Bit sick but my own fault.

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